The title of this video, "Man Gets SASSY as Karen Coworker Shields Him At WORK," convinced me to unsub from this channel. The whole "Karen" meme is a conversation ender for me, especially the way it's used here. "Karen" is code for "Shut up, white woman." I stop listening to Kevins who dally in "Karen" Valley like pigs roll in slop. He can fuck straight off.
Here's my basic question about "Karen" once again: What's different about white women than every other demographic, that makes it okay to give them a nickname based on race and gender when you don't like their behavior? Why don't you do that for any other demographic group? Why are you so comfortable doing it to "Karen" when you wouldn't do it to any other group? What's different about white women than every other kind of human? Are white women so much worse than every demographic that this demonization is required to maintain civic order? We all need to be on the lookout for Karen? And are you so much more virtuous than every white woman, on such higher moral ground by birth, that you're the one to change her name and put her in her place because she spoke? You're the arbiter of decency who keeps Karen in check? How so? Who checks you? That's the way these Kevins are rolling in this video. I didn't even watch it. But I can see that they felt the need to put his coworker on blast about the skin she woke up in, unlike everybody else who does the same thing because they don't understand what's going on. That happens often enough in these videos. They surprise people at work. The first time I watched their content, I thoroughly enjoyed the interrogation, which was followed by an arrest of someone who would otherwise have gone on chatting with minors unabated. As I watched more of the content, however, I became increasingly uncomfortable with how exploitative and frankly full of shit the boys are. Their moral high ground is only a half step above the pedos they track down, basically. Their mockery is barely restrained. They're obviously playing to an audience the whole time. While the people they're talking to are awful, I don't like them, either. They believe themselves much nicer guys than they actually are. So while I do appreciate that the end result is a net positive, I still feel exploited by assholes, basically. There are a lot of things I appreciate about people who spend their time hunting down pedophiles. But if they aren't willing to address their own blazing misogyny at very basic levels, fuck them. The other problem is that they won't address this because their audience, the people they're shilling merch to on Rumble, are the same Kevins who are all about the outrage porn about all the rapey stuff in Ukraine and Gaza. They won't STFU about that no matter how much I ask them to. It's all "in the name of" people like me, I don't get it. And if people like me don't like the way the righteous Kevins talk about it, we can shut the fuck up, Karen.
I'm really torn about the FBI. Because on the one hand, they're the vanguard of prosecuting child sex crimes. They and the NCMEC are the go-to prosecutors for that, all around the world actually. Because even if you're trading child porn in Russia, or Vietnam, or wherever, chances are your interwebs usage crossed into US telecommunication lines at some point. And now our legal system can and will fuck you over. For this, I send them all my donuts. But this bullshit, wow.
This is why I can't forget that these are J. Edgar's boys in real life. They started out as the dirty tricks brigade, the ones the federal government sent out to work the dark arts against Martin Luther King and the American Indian Movement, as well as the gays and everybody else who wasn't John Q. Whiteman. So the audacity and overstep being described by the attorneys in this clip doesn't surprise me at all. The FBI was Wile E. Coyote in a suit when I was growing up. Even the whiter side of my family knew it, much less the Italians. The FBI was the internal version of the CIA, which wanted to get rid of Fidel Castro by blowing up his cigars and dosing him with LSD. I can't even begin to imagine all of the bizarre, dastardly shit our government has concocted and actually done over the years that we'll never know about. Me of little faith. So nothing about how the FBI decided to just yank the goodies out of all of these boxes because it was investigating the company that owns them was a surprise. Because of course all of the various private citizens renting security deposit boxes were uninvolved and not being investigated. The FBI didn't know who they were, and ignored the emergency contact information available on the outside of the locked boxes. But the FBI called all of them criminals and seized their assets because it was investigating the owners of the private vault company. That they're still doing this kind of shit under 2021 in a Democratic administration is grim. The federal government knows that each of these individuals will have to fight the federal government in court if they want their stuff back. And they know how hard that is to do. The federal government is far and away the biggest law firm in the country, and probably one of the biggest ones in the world. The federal government is really hard to fight in the court they own and operate. Ask anybody who's ever accepted a plea bargain -- from either side, defendant or victim. Once he's made up his mind, you pretty much have to go along with what the boss wants to do. Once the wheels roll over you, you're screwed. Ask Pablo Cano's survivors. Or Timothy Barber's. Plea bargaining is the dick that keeps on fucking. American "justice" is what it is. The smaller you are, the truer that is. In this case, the government determined that any box containing more than $5,000 cash would be seized as criminal assets. They made that determination without knowing who actually owned the money. So they couldn't possibly have known that it was criminally gained. They hadn't given the citizen any opportunity to prove rightful ownership. So they had to conceal that part of the plan from the magistrate in order to get the warrant in the first place. The FBI decided in advance they were taking all the money in these boxes, period. The plan was to scoop everything up and sort it out later, basically. The difference between the FBI and the mafia in this case is that they wrote out exactly what they were going to do and filed it in court first -- omitting minor details so the magistrate wouldn't get upset. LOL The FBI later explained in discovery for the ensuing lawsuit, that they derived the $5K amount by their own administrative costs. It costs them $5,000 to do the asset forfeiture process. So if they don't take that much, it's not worth their time. Like former Officer Chapman from Charlotte, apparently the FBI saw that big pile of goodies and just couldn't resist. And because they're the federal government and there's nobody to stop them, away they went. So of course they "lost" and damaged a ton of stuff behind their "omnibus forfeiture act," in other words "we swoop and scoop." Remember that billion dollars that got misplaced in Iraq, and those migrant kids who were forcibly removed from their parents at the border? Right. They train heavily on raids and going in. They're not experts at inventorying and returning stuff. Other people's things can disappear -- whoopsie Surprisingly, the people who owned the jewelry store, and stored gold and silver coins as well as cash, got totally screwed. The FBI denied she had any cash in her box at all. They totally tried to "Officer Chapman" her shit. And they only minimally inventoried anything anyway, "miscellaneous coins" when obviously there can be a huge difference in number, type, and value when discussing the sort of coins one puts into a vault versus what's in a jar in my cupboard. Bottom line, not having every second of everything on videotape in 2021 is inexcusable. In paramedic school they taught me res ipsa loquitur, the thing speaks for itself. The mafia doesn't videotape their criminal activity either, because they're professionals too. From the video above: "After months of arguing, the FBI somehow 'found' 47 of Don's coins, but it hasn't returned Don's other 63 coins, which are worth over $100,000." Now. If you send your local beat cop over to somebody's house because you have evidence that they went into your safe deposit box and took your coins without your permission. And that cop is able to eventually get them to produce some, but not all of those coins. That joker is under arrest, boo. There's a whole problem because he and the jewelry store owner both had emergency contact information right on the top of the box. They owned that property lawfully and were holding it there lawfully. And they had 4th Amendment rights for the FBI to just leave it alone in the first place. The court has ruled resoundingly in favor of the plaintiffs about the 4th Amendment issue on the first case to come up. They violated the terms of the warrant, concealing their forfeiture plans from the magistrate in the first place. The court called the use of a drug-sniffing dog going over all of the cash improper. But mostly it's the part where they lied to the magistrate about their intentions to just take everything that was worth taking. So it's great that the first case was won by the plaintiffs. Let's see how the chips fall, what fallout ensues. Let's see if I hear about this in my FBI newsletter LOL Like lady mayors, we didn't used to have lady police chiefs when I was a kid. So it's good to see we can do this job just as badly as men, too.
Chief Tressa Beltran of Hartford, Michigan, was busted in a sting operation. From CBS News: "Tressa Beltran, 57, is charged with delivery or possession with intent to deliver less than 50 grams of a controlled substance, extortion, embezzlement by a public official over $50 in value, misconduct in office, larceny in a building, possession of less than 25 grams of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance, and possession of a Schedule 5 controlled substance." The sheriff's office investigated Beltran after receiving a tip about her selling drugs. They set up a drug drop box to see if she would take anything. She took the bait and resold it, and now here we are. All she got was 3 years. Think about that. She'd been selling drugs out of her patrol car as the chief of police, for long enough that word got around to the sheriff. Then when they set up a sting, she actually stole the drugs they left, sifted through them, and resold anything worth selling. Wow, man. Who knows what else she was up to? And all she got was 3 years? But at least she can't be a cop anymore. Bye, Felicia. What makes me so unhappy about this report? Everything. No really, every little thing about it triggers me to death. First of all, I wish this was news. As the reporter notes, some of the kids in this story are adults now. This has been an ongoing problem for decades. People have been living their whole lives with this. And the rapists who started it all whistled off back to their happy-go-fucky lives in England without concern. Then there's the fact that this is almost exactly like what happened with my countrymen in Vietnam -- and other places. It's directly, exactly the same results for the women and children, and the same zero consequences for the men. Also the reporter started out by citing RT, Russia Today. I'm pretty sure RT isn't covering the shit show that is the Wagner Group's interaction with the women of the Central African Republic. I'm not even going to look for links about that because my mental health can't take it. This report is talking about the ordinary abuse and exploitation of women that happens all the time when large groups of men aren't tightly controlled. That's just plain and simple. It's obviously worse when they're soldiers in a different country where they're being trained to dehumanize the locals anyway. But you can look at how the crime statistics boom anywhere in America when the oil industry moves in and they bring their work crews to any community. The sexual assault statistics in particular skyrocket from the sudden influx of the usual suspects. The only reason this doesn't happen to Saudi women is because of the extreme amount of social controls in place for everyone including the troops. But what Wagner has done to African women? Is off the charts of disgusting behavior. RT can place themselves on permanent mute. Also it's just another slap in the face to the colonized people. Just another reminder that the British weren't invited there to fuck everything up and kidnap everybody. And lastly, for me personally, it's just another reminder that with rape, the perpetrator walks off to have a nice day. And the rest of the world punishes the woman and whatever child she may have had, as if they were unfamiliar with the concept of what actually happened there. It's not that they don't know. It's that they don't want to think about it. So they reflexively blame her. Scapegoating isn't a conspiracy, it's an emotional reflex reaction. Unfortunately it continues to happen all over the world because people suck. Four women were allegedly kidnapped and held in a shipping container. Two of them were said to have been sexually assaulted as well by the two assailants.
While it's not clear why two of the women were held or for how long, two of them were allegedly abducted after witnessing a shooting by the two assailants, Devaun Jackson and Isaiha Rogers-Keeney. The four women were allegedly held in a shipping container and two of them raped. They were rescued when the men took two of the women to Walmart for some unknown reason, and one of the other women was able to contact a relative. I can't imagine what a horrific ordeal this was, being raped and held captive in a metal box with no ventilation, light, or sanitation, in a heat wave. Especially not for the two who witnessed the shooting, who should have been fairly confident they'd be killed. Honest to God I don't know where to begin with this.
The City of Louisville needs to just fire everybody and start over, seriously. Swap every third police officer with someone from a random agency in a different state. I have no idea how to fix their shit show. It does not surprise me that Lauder is also part of the problem. It's deeply concerning to me that Louisville's way of addressing its many, well-known sexual harassment problems was to appoint a lady chief who is willing to have this kind of open meeting with her staff. Mayor Craig Greenberg looked like a very startled Anthony Weiner when he talked about how the DoJ is on his case about sexual misconduct on his police force -- as they should be. Even with getting a complete Mulligan on everything Pablo Cano and Brian Taylor did, Mayor Greenberg is about to go broke from the Breonna Taylor raid and a few other gems from his police department's misconduct. And me of little faith remembers what happened after the DoJ looked into Ferguson, Missouri about their obvious racism problem -- nothing.
The reporting here is not at all clear on exactly what happened with this phone call. But as I understand it, there was a command staff meeting. Chief Gwinn-Villaroel demanded that the Majors go around and, one by one, agree that they were willing to partner with all of their coworkers. In other words, all beef fully squashed or you will be demoted. One officer, Lauder, was home "sick" that day. My differential diagnosis is blue flu, because she had been "sexually harassed and assaulted" by a coworker, Officer Kuriger. She wasn't comfortable working with him. She had been put on the spot to bring it up in this way. It's not clear why she wasn't able to bring it up before. That in and of itself is a problem with culture and leadership. Now, anybody who doesn't think that's a major problem (pun intended) at LMPD needs to watch the above video from Vice. The woman who came in to complain about being raped by Pablo Cano was treated as a suspect by Cano's coworkers at LMPD. Pablo Cano joked about being a sex offender in staff meetings. So after the threat of demotion, when it was Lauder's turn to say she'd work with Kuriger, she declined. There was 20 seconds of silence. Chief Gwinn-Villaroel said that needed to be addressed later. Then she allegedly went on to afford Kuriger a promotion. Gwinn-Villaroel put that rake down on the ground in front of herself and then stepped on it, smacking herself directly in the face. It seems like she could have avoided this by dealing with people privately, instead of having this "all hands on deck, all beef squashed" meeting that blew up in her hand like a human resources pipe bomb. She had multiple harassment suits brewing amongst her command staff. That portion of the audio regarding the promotion/non-promotion wasn't provided in the reporting. And they said that no promotions have gone through. So apparently the mayor doesn't need the agita. The Chief is on paid leave for now and someone else is in charge. None of that would be happening had Lauder not filed suit. The city can't afford it. I'm pretty sure they're already bankrupt or close to it. So we'll see. This is another blood-boiler.
From NBC News: "A 64-year-old Missouri woman with a history of mental illness has been declared innocent by a judge for a murder that she has spent more than four decades behind bars for and in which some now suspect a former police officer. Sandra Hemme's innocence in the November 12, 1980, slaying of Patricia Jeschke in St. Joseph, Missouri, is “clear and convincing” the judge ruled last week. But she remains behind bars, and Missouri's top prosecutor on Tuesday asked a court to put the brakes on releasing her." Actually the evidence that the murder was committed by now-deceased St. Joseph, MO police officer Michael Holman, is overwhelming. The fact that this woman spent 40+ years in prison because the police didn't want to arrest him is what it is. But the way the AG is now wanting to double down on it is a serious problem that I have no idea how to begin addressing, like the situation with the missing indigenous women. "Fellow police officer Michael Holman, who was found using the victim’s credit card the day after the murder; whose truck was seen parked near the victim’s home at the time she was killed; in whose closet the victim’s earrings were discovered; and who in the months before and after Ms. Jeschke’s murder, committed many other crimes against women," The Innocence Project said in a statement. Anybody else would have been arrested right quick. But the police had carte blanche with sex crimes in my day. They just did. This is another sick, sad, wrong situation in Missouri. After the DOJ found systemic issues in Ferguson, did they fix anything? I don't think so. It's still a major septic tank as far as I can tell. They'll have to show me that anything is better over there. This citizen's name hasn't been released to my knowledge. But I don't have strong enough words of praise for how he handled this situation. He should really teach a seminar. Because he's outnumbered 4 or 5 cops to one. They're not his friends at all. One of them is definitely trying to steal $900. It's an away game, he's on their turf. AND HE BEAT THEM AT THE GAME LIKE THE KING OF BOSSES! This guy was totally set up to get robbed here. It was his girlfriend's cash, that he was on his way to pay for her car. So he didn't know the exact amount that was rubber-banded together. He was stopped speeding in her car, and he had a warrant. So before bodycam, he would have just kissed that money goodbye, even as a white man. Because Officer Chapman was definitely gonna get him some as soon as he saw that wad, make no mistake. Watch the whole bodycam video. Everything about Chapman and his, "Who, me? Check my pockets" bullshit suggests that he's done this many times.
Also infuriating is lady cop, who stands there telling the guy to just be calm while he's surrounded by cops who are fucking robbing him of $900 of someone else's money. Fuck that facilitating bitch. He's already amazingly calm under the circumstances. He was 100% correct not to leave the sally port without having that investigated. As soon as he walked away from that car fucking Chapman had that money secured. But now Chapman is gone and off the force. The turn-around from "Check my pockets" like the citizen is a crazy asshole, to "I'm sorry, Sarge," that 180 reality-slap -- SATISFYING. WIN FOR THE PEOPLE!!!! |
AuthorTeresa Giglio writes true crime for survivors. Archives
December 2024