Wow, this is shameful. I can't remember the last time I saw a judge lose her bench with her titty falling out. This lady, Former Judge Christina Peterson -- got stomped off the bench 65-35. But before that she was a judge, where she got to arbitrate. What a judge says, goes. And that apparently went to her head in a really bad way. I watch a lot of bodycam videos. I don't bother to report on most of it. But there are certain things almost every drunken crackhead in America says to law enforcement these days:
In this incident, the judge hit almost all of those points. She was concerned for this officer's immortal soul, because he works for the Illuminati, doesn't know who God is, and the last person who tried her like this died 30 days later. Judge Peterson was very busy praying the cop's inventory of shortcomings to God, while refusing to identify, which is normally reserved for people who have warrants. That's usually why people insist on either giving a fake name or not telling the police their real names. In this case it seems to be simply a control trip. She's usually dictating terms, and now that she isn't, she's fit to be tied. She's pulling an extreme form of "Do you know who I am?" insisting that the officer call someone who works for the county -- which the officer doesn't work for, he's with the city -- who will be able to identify her by her voice. Ms. Peterson imagines there will be severe repercussions to the officer for not complying with her command. Every drunk in America does. Every American yells, "I know my rights," which means whatever demand they are inventing in the scenario. Take for example this lady who firmly believes she can tell the captain of an airplane he has to show her longstanding, universal policies in writing, when in reality he can just boot her off the plane rather than patiently snarling up air traffic with her nonsense like he did. She has mistaken an aircraft pilot for, say, a municipal bus driver who must tolerate her bullshit as if air marshals weren't a thing. I recently saw a lady who got fired from her fast-food job on bodycam. She said, "That's not how this works" over and over to the cops when they told her she'd need to show her ID and leave the premises right away because she's trespassed from Culver now. And she was actually sober and not even a judge. It's the American idiot thing. Everybody thinks they're in charge all the time. They all have the right to do whatever the hell they want. But then former Judge Peterson says the dumbest shit I've ever heard anyone say: "If somebody got murdered, you'd just go ahead and bring them in without knowing who they are." Holy shit, they had this woman sitting on the bench! Ma'am. I often was called to pick up unidentified dead people. That's correct. They're called 9-Bravo, low-acuity cardiac arrest. Come scoop them up when you have time, when there's nobody urgent to attend to. Because we, as a society, can't leave corpses just lying around. And we often have no idea who they are, because they're a skeleton out in the woods, or a homeless guy on the railroad tracks, or whatever. And yes, we just scoop them up and bring them in. The biggest and most obvious difference is we take them to the morgue, not the jail. We don't argue about their IDs because they're dead. And then people go about the same process this officer is doing with Ms. Peterson. They set about identifying the person. They don't just go, "Oh well, he's dead!" and shove him in a box because they can't call somebody identify him by voice. What a stupid, obnoxious bitch. What a total failure of education and leadership. What a complete lack of understanding of how anything works. I would encourage you to watch the bodycam video of her arrest before laughing her lawyer right out the door. Shameless.
Bottom line, her friend with the clown makeup on tells a story about trying to grab men to help her break up a fight, and how courageous the judge was to step up and step in. But when approached by security and the police, the judge was in the middle of a melee. The police officer says he was punched by the judge. The body cam footage shows her behaving like a complete fool. That's indisputable from the video evidence. There were other way for adult women in civic leadership to handle the situation. At the end of the day, FORMER JUDGE Peterson behaved in a way that she could not in good faith counsel any defendant in her courtroom to behave in a similar situation. People get their probation revoked for this exact sort of thing all the time. It's a lapse in judgment while drunk, upon which she continued doubling and tripling down ad infinitum. And then she has the audacity to boo-fucking-hoo with her lawyer about how she's the real victim here. She declined to take the loud and clear feedback she was given at the ballot box. Luckily Christina Peterson is no longer in charge of other people's destinies. I predict no charges being brought against anyone else, including the police officer she accused of working for the Illuminati.
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AuthorTeresa Giglio writes true crime for survivors. Archives
January 2025