Someone walked into a garage and allegedly found Jonathan Diehl -- who is innocent until proven guilty -- passed out in a garage with his genitals exposed. He is charged with having a live feed of a teenage girl in her bedroom partially dressed up on his phone.
After confirming with the girl that she knew nothing of the live feed, the witness confronted Diehl. Court documents reflect that there was a physical altercation wherein Diehl tried to physically prevent the witness from leaving the premises. KFOR: "Near the end of the report, documents explains Diehl has lived in the garage since 2021 and has access to the attic.Documents also say the witness found drill bit sized holes in the ceiling of one of the rooms in the house, directly looking over the bed. Diehl has been booked at the Cleveland County Jail on charges of lewd or indecent acts to a child under 16, possession of a controlled substance, and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. His bond is set at $250,000." Basically it seems to me that after their marriage broke up in 2021 -- which also appears to have been approximately the end of his law enforcement career -- for whatever reason he was allowed to continue living in the garage. His mental state appears to have possibly gone into significant decline. This is an example of a situation that seems like it really could have been nipped in the bud a long, long time ago. There had to be some signs with this guy, that he was going off the rails. It makes me wonder what he got up to as a police officer.
I'm featuring this poster child's bodycam mostly because he hit all the notes. Also because this incident happened at a Walmart, where a black high school student was recently stabbed to death at random while working, in a racial attack. Like the road-rage scrub I just wrote about, when they kill somebody, it's always someone more valuable to society than themselves.
So nothing about this guy wandering around Walmart throwing N-words works for me due to the murder of Jason Jenkins last week. But I'm blogging him because he covered my American idiot BINGO card for this week. I'm surprised he doesn't tell them he's Thomas Jefferson's grandson. All he needs to do now is run for governor.
One of the people arrested in a string or random attacks where women have been punched in the face on city streets is named Skiboky. Rhymes with both kooky and spooky. Skiboky's social media feed is the psychosocial version of a clogged dispose-all. A plethora of random bits and pieces are in there, partially ground up and full of bacteria. I'm sure it will all be taken down eventually. I'm looking through the shorts on his YouTube feed while I still can. Because Skiboky's the poster child of how nothing makes sense in America. His videos are some extreme brain diarrhea of racism and sexism, overlaid with angry politics and delusions of grandeur. The only surprise about him being charged with assaulting a random woman is that it took this long. This random face-punching situation, which started in New York and has now moved to Chicago, is a natural extension of how much everybody has hated Karen for the last five years or so. My life changed noticeably once that meme took off. People behaved differently toward me in public. I started speaking only when spoken to. It's been fashionable to openly hate white women for a while. I'm surprised it took this long to boil over. For example, in the above video, titled "the white man," Skiboky obviously has a bone to pick with the white MAN. And yet the person he's accused of randomly smacking in the face unprovoked is clearly a woman, and not a scary one either. Funny how that works, how often the hate mail for Kevin gets delivered to Karen. And of course, THIS! LOL All his rage at the white man leads him directly to... TRUMP, current leader of the Confederate party. Weird how the snake always eventually eats its tail, how the haters somehow all end up together at the end of the day. That's the way the bowl swirls when you push the handle (multiple times if you're Trump).
.I tried to embed a number of Skiboky's shorts, and for whatever reason they all show up as "private" when I do that. But they aren't private. There are many clips of Skiboky inserting himself into the lives of ordinary New Yorkers of every race and gender, in many obnoxious and frightening ways. The fact that he posted some of these at all speaks to his terrifying mental state. Skiboky spends a lot of time freaking women out on the train, acting strange with law enforcement, and ranting about Marcus Garvey. If you scroll through Skiboky's feed, ask yourself how often someone came close to getting harmed.
"NYPD said there were seven incidents of women being punched In Manhattan. However, police do not believe any of the attacks are related" See, the attacks aren't "related," in that no, they're not coordinated. The people who are doing it don't know each other or whatever. It's just where we're at as a community now. This is where our margins have frayed to. This is where our Overton Window has shifted to, the new normal. Ryan Swett -- who does look like a sweaty bastard, although he's innocent until proven guilty of all charges -- is accused of intentionally running down a young woman in a road rage incident.
Her injuries are horrific. She was knocked all the way out of her clothing. A bystander had to come and cover her in her jacket until the medics arrived. I wish her the best. A few points leap out at me about this:
One thing that never ceases to be obvious to me: almost nobody in America thinks that men constantly do hate crimes against women, which is how it looks to me. I'm not sure if this was one or not. But it kind of seems like it might be. People in America largely believe that things are fine between men and women. On the right side, they think the only problem is women need to learn our place and stay there. The left, including the woke, mostly believe that men and women have justice parity in this country unless the women are black. Confederate women were allowed to abuse black people with the same impunity as Confederate men. That's why that group of white women voted for Trump, so they could "Make America Great Again." That gender-equity dynamic has incorrectly been attributed to all white people, including immigrant communities like mine, where it never existed. Abortion rights wouldn't still be a problem right now if women hadn't been litigating this conversation amongst ourselves all my life. I have no idea what "feminism" means other than "Shut up, woman." I learned long ago that "white feminist" means "Shut up, white woman." So when men do violence against women in America, it isn't a hate crime unless the woman is black. It's just the same as when they do violence against each other. I think it only works that way because men make all the rules about how things will work. Luckily my opinion doesn't count for anything so nothing has to change. I don't know if this woman's attractiveness in particular is what drew his ire, made her the specific target as opposed to the other people that she was with. But I can tell you that everything about his surprise at the extent of her injuries was entirely familiar to me: boys will be boys! He didn't mean nothin' by it. Meanwhile, nobody's ever heard of Kevin, only Male Karen. Karen is the worst. Woman Escapes Months of Torture in Captivity; Alleged Kidnapper Arrested in High-Speed Chase4/5/2024 It's hard to imagine what this woman went through. She was panhandling in January. Someone offered her food, shelter, and drugs.
The person who had befriended her eventually began beating her with a baseball bat and stabbing her with a screwdriver. She says he threatened to kill her and wouldn't let her leave. Her assailant is alleged to be Walter Medina, who was arrested after a high-speed chase, and who also has a record for false imprisonment. There aren't details about where or how exactly she was held, if she was in a vehicle the entire time. She fled her captor when he went into a store. She contacted authorities and Medina was apprehended later. He is innocent of everything until proven guilty in a court of law. This is horrifying. And I have to ask where the father was? How did he not know someone was taking a branding iron to his son?
Once again we see people who are willing to go to any extremes to impose their religious beliefs on minor children. I can only imagine what else happens to kids in this community. Myron Howard was still on probation when he got fired from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. Like everyone else on this blog, he's innocent of all conduct discussed herein until proven guilty in a court of law.
WTHR: According to police, Howard was called with other officers to a home on Olney Street, near East 25th Street and North Sherman Drive, on Jan. 6 for a domestic violence call. A man was taken into custody during that incident. Howard then allegedly returned to the scene after other officers left. According to court documents, Howard allegedly told the female victim, "you know you could've went to jail too, but I didn't say anything, so I need you to do something for me." Howard turned his body-worn camera off during the incident, according to the court documents. Police said they verified this because the device was missing nearly 20 minutes of GPS data during the alleged incident. His patrol car GPS showed he had returned to the woman's home after the domestic violence call and was there for approximately 17 minutes. [This is why I'm such a huge fan of GPS and bodycams.] "I felt obliged to do what he tells me,” the alleged victim told police. She said her boyfriend was arrested again in February for domestic violence and that Howard came to her home after other officers left. That time, she said she told him to leave her alone and didn't open the door to her home. When questioned, Howard claims he was doing patrols in the area after the domestic violence call and the woman waved him down and the sex was consensual. He claimed he didn't talk to her after that. The woman submitted screenshots from her home of text messages Howard allegedly sent her and a call he made. In a separate incident in August 2023, another woman said Howard was helping her after a car crash. She said he then came back and offered her a ride home. She said he told her that she needed to buy him gas or have sex with him. She said she offered gas money, but he told her it needed to be sex. She said the two had sex and then he drove her home. "The allegations made in the probable cause affidavit are deeply disappointing and disturbing,” IMPD Chief Chris Bailey said. “His alleged actions not only violated his sacred oath to our community, but he abused his power and took advantage of a victim when she was most vulnerable. His actions do not represent the brave women and men who serve Indianapolis with integrity every single day. My prayers are with the victim during this difficult time."" Both of those complaints are horrifying, descriptions of practiced predation. In the linked video, Howard is said to have told investigators that he had sex all the time on his other police jobs before being hired at Indianapolis Metro. One problem is that I don't have any research resources at this time. I don't have an intern, no LEXIS/NEXIS account, no ability to find out where this guy worked before and begin rocking the FOIA requests. Another issue is that Howard, like many others, described the sex he had as consensual. They all do. And like with the Bert Lopez video, and even all the progressive people thinking it was awesome, and at worst him loafing on the taxpayers' dime, there's no convincing this country that it's inherently, automatically problematic, rapey behavior when cops are having sex with citizens on the job. Americans, even so-called progressive ones, just don't believe that cops rape people on the job all the time, in a lot of different ways. This article just described two different Holtzclawing tactics, and neither one of those women was either a sex worker or drug user. Even when you can convince people maybe it did happen, like with Holtclaw or Golubski, Americans generally don't believe it does happen to anyone but black women. They just barely believe/care that it happens to black ladies. Had Holtzclaw not tried to run "the deal" on a woman with no warrants, no nothing, simply not the right one, and had she not fought back, it would probably still be "no business as usual" in OKC. Police rape can and does happen to anybody. America's stuck on thinking it's a "bad apples" or Black Lives Matter issue. Americans can only think in bumper stickers. And they almost don't believe in rape anyway, overall. You have to be a daycare-owning church grandma to take down Daniel Holtzclaw. That was literally what it took. Women in particular can scream to high heaven that they didn't consent, it wasn't their idea, they didn't like it, they didn't want it, they didn't appreciate it -- and all of that will be thrown back in their faces a million different ways because rape culture always says she wanted it. I remember Cenk from The Young Turks -- an attorney in real life -- inferring consent from the woman in the Bert Lopez video from the angle of her foot in a still photograph. "He said, she said." "She's lying for money." Because just like being black is obviously the fastest way to the White House, there's no easier way to catapult yourself to the lifestyle of the rich and famous than getting raped. Voice of experience here. I'm glad this person came forward about Myron Howard. I am thankful for the GPS and bodycam that exist to back her up in court. None of that was a thing in my day, God bless. As her attorney said, he was allegedly on a reign of terror Her ordeal sounds absolutely harrowing, with her attacker allegedly coming back to her home because he knows her boyfriend has been a problem again, that there's been more police activity. If proven, wow, what an asshole. His police job was like being a roadie for David Lee Roth, kind of, in terms of being able to keep an eye out for different women who might be negotiable. And he describes it as all consensual because of what I explained above. Unfortunately he seems to have worked at other departments that shoved him off without getting him arrested. It's not exactly clear where the other complainant came from, if the department began looking over his GPS records, or she came forward, or what. I'm glad that her attorney is out front on this. But as a survivor, unraped people say things that slap me in the brain. "You don't expect a police officer, someone in law enforcement, to do such a thing. And that's what makes it worse." I appreciate the work this guy is doing. But is he talking to the mouse in his pocket? Because I definitely halfway think they're going to try to pull some shit, and I never have warrants or anything. I had an experience about a year ago out in the Mojave Desert where it was me and one police officer, not a soul for miles around, in the dead of night. At first I wasn't sure if he was a real cop or not. My second concern was simply being detained by a random man with a gun under those circumstances. Right? Anyone who doesn't halfway want to shit themselves in that scenario isn't thinking clearly. I have no way of knowing whether he's called my plates in to dispatch, turned off his body cam, or what. The person with the most guns can always do whatever the fuck they want. So if you didn't know, now you do. Okay, here's another example of how America's mental health crisis constantly becomes a crime problem. This young man was randomly murdered while working, probably at his first job, in a sucker attack that he couldn't have seen coming.
Having seen a lot of bodycam videos of Walmart's back room, where they have a team of people watching a battery of cameras with casino-type security, I have to ask how in the fuck this goofball was able to wander through the store with two knives for any length of time. Point 1. That's fucking infuriating, that they're too busy guarding Wally's money to make sure this young man didn't get murdered that day. It seems like there had to be some chance to intervene based on the reporting. But this suspect's (because everybody is innocent until proven guilty on this whole blog) statement is the same old shit for almost everybody in America. It's the full-on tantrum mentality that gets attributed to white women, "Karen," but is actually seen in every demographic in America: "If I don't get what I want, when I want it, I will flip out, up to and including random mass violence (if I'm a white guy)." Fuck you, dude. Seriously fuck yourself. You don't like black people? That's great. What do they, or anybody, need from your monkey ass? What do you contribute to humanity in any way, shape, or form, you gigantic, murderous toddler? If you don't get what you want, when you want it, you're ENTITLED to go remove some productive young person from society? Who the fuck needs you, and for what? What white person do you imagine would trade you for Jason Jenkins, the young man you murdered? Fuck you isn't a good enough phrase for how I feel about this individual. And I say this as someone permanently disabled by my mental health. Fuck everything about this guy. What bothers me so much is that he's one of an army. Nobody in America imagines that responsibility is something they, personally, can take in their own lives. I don't know how long I went without the mental healthcare that I need. A lot of us do it all the time. And you know what? I just keep persevering and doing my best until I can get my needs met. As they mention in the reporting, you can go to the emergency room any fucking time and get an emergency referral. Grow the fuck up like a grown man, and don't give yourself a free pass to kill a high school kid. Asshole. |
AuthorTeresa Giglio writes true crime for survivors. Archives
January 2025